Saturday, February 2, 2013

What do Maculot, Romelo and Manabu have in common - Part 2

My Mt. Maculot traverse experience with K reminded me of my very first mountain climbing experience in Mt. Romelo. It was August 2010 and I was supposed to go to Taytay Falls but the friend I was supposed to go with stood me up so I decided to just go somewhere with fewer people - the mountains.

the blogger at Lansones Falls

I hired a guide who perhaps had a third eye as well, the reason why he saw what he did.

We were walking towards Lansones Falls, he was like ten feet ahead, when I noticed that he kept on looking back towards me. I thought he was just checking on me as the thought of "stuff" like that in the mountains hasn't really occurred to me at that time.

Had he told me he saw something right then, I wouldn't have allowed myself to take a dip in Lansones Falls' catch basin and enjoy its very cold water. But since I was unsuspecting, I even asked the guide to take pictures of me as I posed with the waterfalls as my backdrop.

the blogger at the grotto in Lansones Falls

There was one part of the area, however, that was full of orbs when taken pictures of. It was called “grotto” because it was like a carved area in a wall of rocks.

Anyway, as we were eating pancit canton and rice at the small store back on top of Buruwisan Falls, he told me the story. He said he saw a man in green shirt following me, hinting that it wasn’t really a man per se because when it ran to the far side of the river to hide from the guide’s eyes, it vanished.

Now, I haven’t been back to Mt. Romelo after that. I would love to go there again, though, because I failed to go to Batya-Batya Falls during my first visit. The next time, however, I don’t wanna be with just a guide.

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Saturday, January 12, 2013

What do Maculot, Romelo and Manabu have in common? - Part 1

I climbed Mt. Maculot every week last December to lose some inches on my tummy. And because not everyone likes to climb the same mountain over and over again, and because I'm really a loner, I climbed those four times alone.

the blogger at Mt. Maculot's Rockies

The Rockies campsite is safe to climb alone. (I can almost hear my few more experienced mountaineering friends disagreeing with me.) The trail is wide and there are no forks aside from one early in the trail, but there’s an arrow pointing to the right direction so I really don't see how anyone could get lost.

My first two weeks were bliss. I was literally alone at the campsite aside from a big tuko on the first and a monkey on the second week. I was able to pray (which I do secretly when there are mountaineers around) for the safe climb, lie down on the tables, close my eyes and savor the quiet sounds of wind on the trees and the idea of being alone 300+ meters above sea level.

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